About us
The Sydney University Veterinary Society (VetSoc) since its establishment in 1912 is one of the oldest student operated societies on campus; representing peers of the Bachelor of Animal and Veterinary Bioscience, Bachelor of Veterinary Science & the Doctor or Veterinary Medicine.
We are by a group of committed young students from any of the degrees, with the direct aim of enriching the lives of those involved in the faculty by organising social events and providing a medium for interaction between staff, faculty members and students.
With such a proud tradition, it is our goal to carry on the culture that the Vet Faculty has long offered, spread the enthusiasm and involvement for which we are well known and, most importantly, to bring to our members the best possible experience we can offer.
We'd love for any input or suggestions and the one thing we want you to remember is that we are YOUR society.
Ricky Tang
President 2022-2023